package Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens; ############################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2001 - 2005 Mirimar Networks & Issac Goldstand # # Issac Goldstand reserves the right to be # # recognized as the original author of this software # # All other rights reserved by Mirimar Networks # # # # This module is now free software and is released under the same # # license as Perl itself. See the Perl README for details. # # # # Usage of this module signifies complete acceptance of the disclaimer(s) # # set forth at # # # # An up-to-date copy of this module can be found at # # # ############################################################################ use strict; use warnings qw(all); use DBI; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $Default_Expire_Offset $dbh $dbname $dbhost $dbuser $dbpass ); use Apache; use Apache::Cookie; use Apache::Session::MySQL; use Apache::Constants qw(:response :http); use URI::Escape; $dbhost='localhost'; $dbname='tokens'; $dbuser='user'; $dbpass='secret'; BEGIN { use Exporter (); $VERSION=2.12; @ISA=qw(Exporter); @EXPORT=(); @EXPORT_OK=qw ( check_auth establish_auth clear_auth extend_auth expired_auth expdate_auth ); %EXPORT_TAGS=(); } ### Version History # 2.06 : Started logging changes here, I guess so anything not mentioned later was in here # 2.07 : Sept 30, 2001 - Changed new Apache::Requests to Apache::Request->instances # 2.08 : Sept 30, 2001 - Added DISABLE_UPLOADS=>1 to request objects, as uploads will need it's own Authen/Authz handlers # 2.09 : Oct 03, 2001 - Started porting login/logout to Authentication module. Start moving to Authen/Authz (instead of FixUp) # 2.10 : Oct 03, 2001 - Finished login/loout/form port - It seems to work - revisions to 2.1 will improve this # 2.11 : Dec 20, 2001 - Fixed redirects # 2.12 : Jan 13, 2002 - Added abstraction my %session; # Default expires time is 3 days $Default_Expire_Offset=259200; #60*60*24*3 # connect_dbh returns a handle to DBI ### START ### BEGIN { my $mysqldsn="DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$dbhost;mysql_compression=1"; $dbh=DBI->connect($mysqldsn,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die "couldn't connect: ".DBI->errstr; }; END { $dbh->disconnect; } ### Authentication subroutines sub establish_auth { my $param_count=scalar(@_); my ($unique_id, $expires_time, @challenge_tokens)=@_; my ($session_id,$index,$challenge_id)=(0,0,0); if (!(defined($expires_time))) { $expires_time=$Default_Expire_Offset; } tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', undef, {Handle=>$dbh,LockHandle=>$dbh}; $session_id=$session{_session_id}; $session{unique_id}=$unique_id; $session{eoffset}=$expires_time; if ($param_count>2) { $session{ccount}=scalar(@challenge_tokens); # The followng is commented out, because I fear that I'm re-inventing the wheel foreach $index (1..$session{ccount}) { $challenge_id="challenge${index}"; $session{$challenge_id}=$challenge_tokens[$index-1]; } # The following replaces the above commented section # $session{challenge}=@challenge_tokens; } else { $session{ccount}=0; } $session{expires}=time+$expires_time; untie %session; return $session_id; } sub check_auth { my $param_count=scalar(@_); my ($auth_token, @challenge_tokens)=@_; my ($index,$unique_id,$challenge_id,$ok)=(0,"","",1); tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $auth_token, {Handle=>$dbh,LockHandle=>$dbh}; if (!($auth_token eq $session{_session_id})) #oops - we made one by accident!!! { eval 'tied %session->delete;'; return undef; } if ($param_count>1) { $ok=$ok && ($session{ccount}==scalar(@challenge_tokens)); foreach $index (1..$session{ccount}) { $challenge_id="challenge${index}"; $ok=$ok && ($session{$challenge_id} eq $challenge_tokens[$index-1]); } } else { $ok=($ok && $session{ccount}==0); } if ($ok==1) { $unique_id=$session{unique_id}; $session{expires}=time+$session{eoffset}; } else { undef $unique_id; } untie %session; return $unique_id; } sub clear_auth { my ($auth_token)=@_; tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $auth_token, {Handle=>$dbh,LockHandle=>$dbh}; tied(%session)->delete; } sub extend_auth { my ($auth_token, $expires_time)=@_; tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $auth_token, {Handle=>$dbh,LockHandle=>$dbh}; $session{expires}=$session{expires}+($expires_time-$session{eoffset}); $session{eoffset}=$expires_time; untie %session; } sub expired_auth { my ($auth_token)=@_; my $retval; tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $auth_token, {Handle=>$dbh,LockHandle=>$dbh}; if ($session{expires}$dbh,LockHandle=>$dbh}; $retval=$session{expires}; untie %session; return $retval; } ### mod_perl handlers ### Default Authen/Authz handlers sub handler($) # Main authentication handler { my $r=shift; $r->err_header_out('Auth-Ver'=>$VERSION); return OK unless $r->is_initial_req; #only the first internal request my $uvalidated=1; my $gvalidated=1; my $guest_uid=undef; my $uid=undef; my $q=Apache::Request->instance($r,DISABLE_UPLOADS=>1); # Check member logins my %cookies=Apache::Cookie->fetch; my $cookid=undef; if (defined($cookies{'sessionlid'})) { $cookid=$cookies{'sessionlid'}->value; } if (!(defined($cookid))) { $uvalidated=0; } else { $uid=eval ('check_auth($cookid);'); if (!(defined($uid))) { $uvalidated=0; } } # Check guest (new email) login if (!(defined($q->param('sessionlid')))) { $gvalidated=0; } else { $guest_uid=eval 'check_auth($q->param("sessionlid"),$q->param("authid"),$q->param("fid"));'; if (!(defined($guest_uid))) { $gvalidated=0; } else { if (!(defined($uid))) { $cookid=$q->param("sessionlid"); } } } if (($uvalidated==0) && ($gvalidated==0)) { # No authentication found (expired?) $r->log_error("AUTHEN FAILED"); my $cookie=Apache::Cookie->new($r,-name=>"sessionlid",-value=>$cookid,-expires=>"+1s",-path=>'/'); #expire the cookie $cookie->bake; $r->no_cache(1); $r->header_out("Location"=>"/nologin?endurl=".uri_escape($r->uri."?".$r->args)); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } # Return authentication cookie my $etime=expdate_auth($cookid); my $stime=gmtime($etime); my $cookie=Apache::Cookie->new($r,-name=>"sessionlid",-value=>$cookid,-expires=>$stime,-path=>'/'); $cookie->bake; if ($uvalidated) { $r->subprocess_env("UID",$uid); $r->pnotes('uid'=>$uid); } if ($gvalidated) { $r->subprocess_env("GFID",$q->param("fid")); $r->pnotes('gfid'=>$q->param('fid')); } return OK; } ### Login/Logout Handlers sub login($) { my $r=shift; $r->no_cache(1); my $q=Apache::Request->new($r, DISABLE_UPLOADS=>1); my $cookid=undef; my %cookies=Apache::Cookie->fetch; eval '$cookid=$cookies{sessionlid}->value || undef;'; my $endurl=$q->param('endurl') || ""; $endurl=~s/^(\/)//; #remove leading / - provided by $c{url}{http(s)} my $uid=undef; if (defined($cookid)) { #Attempt to login via authentication token $uid=eval ('check_auth($cookid)') || undef; if (defined($uid)) { if ($uid!=0) { if ($endurl ne "") { $r->header_out("Location"=>$endurl); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } else { $r->header_out("Location"=>"/start"); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } } else { #If we have a token, and the token didn't check, we'd better try to dump it - but eval it, just in case eval ('clear_auth($cookid);'); } } #defined uid } #in any case, let's check username password now... if (!($q->param('lname') && $q->param('pchal'))) { # No authentication supplied $r->header_out("Location"=>"/nologin?endurl=".uri_escape($endurl)); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } my $auth=TFile::Authenticate::UserID->new($q->param('lname')); if (!($auth->check($q->param('pchal')))) { #Auth failed $r->header_out("Location","/nologin?endurl=".uri_escape($endurl)); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } my $auth_token=establish_auth($auth->uid); # 3-day authentication my $check_uid=check_auth($auth_token); # Verify my $etime=expdate_auth($auth_token); my $stime=gmtime($etime); warn "Error creating session: ${$auth->uid} - $auth_token - $check_uid" unless ($auth->uid == $check_uid); # Set cookie my $cookie=Apache::Cookie->new($r,-name=>"sessionlid",-value=>$auth_token,-expires=>$stime,-path=>'/'); $cookie->bake; if ($endurl ne "") { &printredirect($r,$endurl); return OK; } else { &printredirect($r,"/start"); #default return OK; } } sub logout($) { my $r=shift; my $cookid=undef; my %cookies=Apache::Cookie->fetch(); $r->no_cache(1); if (defined($cookies{sessionlid})) { $cookid=$cookies{sessionlid}->value(); eval 'clear_auth($cookid);'; my $cookie=Apache::Cookie->new($r,-name=>"sessionlid",-value=>"",-expires=>"+1s"); $cookie->bake(); $r->send_http_header("text/html"); print "User logged out"; } else { $r->send_http_header("text/plain"); print "User not logged in!!!\n"; } return OK; } sub loginform($) { my $r=shift; my %args=$r->args; my $endurl=$args{endurl} || ""; $r->send_http_header('text/html'); my $s=$r->server; my $name=$s->server_hostname; return OK if $r->header_only; { print < User not logged in

User Not Logged In

You are not logged into our system. This could be because you have been automatically logged out. To view your start page, please login in below

Login Name
EOF } return OK; } ### Other helper subs sub login_auth_bypass($) { my $r=shift; $r->err_header_out('Auth-Ver'=>$VERSION); $r->log_error("BYPASS AUTHEN - OK"); return OK; # Authenticate ALL for login } sub printredirect($$) # Called by login to print a redirect { my $r=shift; my $end="/".shift; my $s=$r->server; my $name=$s->server_hostname; $end=~s/^\/{2,}/\//; $r->log_error("Refresh: $end"); $r->header_out("Refresh"=>"0;url=http://".$name."$end"); $r->send_http_header('text/html'); $r->print(""); } ### Objects ### UserID object. One of the subtypes of the generic User object. package Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens::UserID; use DBIx::Objexts; # Not really compatible (yet), but the original framework was :-) use DBI; use vars qw(@ISA $dbh); ### START ### BEGIN { my $mysqldsn="DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$dbhost;mysql_compression=1"; $dbh=DBI->connect($mysqldsn,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die "couldn't connect: ".DBI->errstr; @ISA=qw(DBIx::Object); } END { $dbh->disconnect; } sub _blank { %{$_[0]}=( UID => undef, LOGIN => "", CRYPT => "", VALID => 0, ); } sub _refresh($$) { my $self=shift; my $sth=$dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT UID,login,crypt FROM passwd WHERE (login=?)"); $sth->execute(shift); if ($sth->rows!=1) { $self->_blank; } else { my $res=$sth->fetchrow_hashref; $self->{UID}=$res->{UID}; $self->{LOGIN}=$res->{login}; $self->{CRYPT}=$res->{crpyt}; $self->{VALID}=1; } $sth->finish; return $self; } sub update { my $self=shift; my $sth=$dbh->prepare_cached("UPDATE passwd SET crypt=? WHERE login=?"); $self->{VALID}=$sth->execute($self->crypt,$self->login); $sth->finish; return $self->valid; } sub refresh { my $self=shift; $self->_refresh($self->{login}); return $self->valid; } sub uid { return $_[0]->{UID}; } sub login { return $_[0]->{UID}; } sub crypt { my $self=shift; if (@_) {$self->{CRYPT}=CORE::crypt(shift,join( '',('.','/',0..9,'a'..'z','A'..'Z')[rand 64, rand 64]));$self->_taint;} return $self->{CRYPT}; } sub check { my $self=shift; return 0 unless $self->valid; return ($self->crypt eq CORE::crypt(shift,$self->crypt)); } ### Guest authentication package Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens::Guest; sub create_session($$) { my ($expires,$md5)=@_; my $ctx=Digest::MD5->new; $ctx->add(rand); $ctx->add($md5); $ctx->add(time); $ctx->add(rand); my $authid=$ctx->hexdigest(); #entropic enough? I think so... my $sessionlid=Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens::establish_auth(0,$expires,$authid,$md5); my $check_uid=Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens::check_auth($sessionlid,$authid,$md5); if (!($check_uid==0)) {die "failed check";} return ($sessionlid,$authid,$md5); } 1; =head1 NAME Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens - Manages session-persistant authentication data =head1 SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl use Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens qw(establish_auth check_auth extend_auth expired_auuth clear_auth); $auth_token = establish_auth($unique_id, $expire_offset, @challange_tokens); # Establish $auth_token as key to retrieve $unique_id later on ... $unique_id = check_auth($auth_token, @challange_tokens); # Use previously obtained $auth_token to # retrieve original $unique_id ... extend_auth($auth_token, $expire_offset+(60*60*24*3)); # Extend the life of $authtoken by 3 days (measured in seconds) ... if (expired_auth($auth_token) { clear_auth($auth_token); } # Remove $auth_token from authentication # database if it has expired =head1 DESCRIPTION Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens is an attempt to create transparant user authentication using Apache::Session as a base session manager. The goal is to have a unified library of authenication checks against a centeralized session database. Included is the option to provide optional (but persistant) authentication tokens. The beauty of the system is that the optional tokens can DIFFER FROM USER TO USER. Additionally, there is an expiration date on the data. The expiration date is dynamically calculated based on the last access time of the authentication entry, and a time offset which can be provided. This module used to be part of several internal projects and was recently released as-is to the public domain in the hopes that it might help others. =head1 INTERFACE =over =item * establish_auth ($unique_id [, $expire_time_offset [, @challenge_tokens]]) Creates, and returns, an authentication token linked to $unique_id. Additionally, it initializes an expiration ticket on the authentication entry, which is equal to time() + $expire_time_offset. If $expire_time_offset is not provided, then the default value of 3 days is used. The default time is changeable via the variable $TFile::Authenticate::Default_Expire_Offset. Lastly, an optional array of challenge tokens may be provided. If they are provided, then subsequent calls to check_authentication must provide the EXACT same array of challenge tokens in order to recieve the unique_id in return. In order to use this, however, an expiration date MUST be provided. =item * check_auth ( $auth_token [, @challenge_tokens]) Searches for an entry in the authentication database with matching $auth_token (returned from establish_authentication). If additional challenge tokens were originally supplied, they must be resupplied in the EXACT SAME FORM in order to authenticate the request. Should the request be authenticated, then the unique id stored in the authentication database will be returned. Otherwise, the function will return undef. Additionally, should the authentication be successful, the expiration date on the authentication entry will be updated to the current time, plus the offset provided at the token's creation time. Note that if the authentication token is found, but the wrong challenge tokens are provided, or aren't accurate, the expiration date will NOT be updated. =item * clear_auth ( $auth_token ) Permanently removes the authentication token matching $auth_token from the authentication database. =item * extend_auth ( $auth_token, $expire_time_offset ) Alters the expiration date offset for the authentication token. Additionally, it recomputes the expiration date based on the new offset. However, this is computed based on the difference between the old and new offsets, and is NOT refreshed based on the current time. =item * expired_auth ( $auth_token ) Returns true (-1) if the authentication token has expired. Does NOT remove the token from the database. To do that, use clear_auth. =item * expdate_auth ( $auth_token ) Returns the expiration date stamp for the authentcation token. Useful for feeding to a browser as a cookie's expiration date. =back =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2001 - 2005 Mirimar Networks & Issac Goldstand Issac Goldstand reserves the right to be recognized as the original author of this software All other rights reserved by Mirimar Networks This module is now free software and is released under the same license as Perl itself. See the Perl README for details. Usage of this module signifies complete acceptance of the disclaimer(s) set forth at =head1 SEE ALSO Apache::Session(3) =cut