Hi there. This is where I tend to archive projects, presentations and rants that I've written over the years. At some point, when I find the time (and motive!), I'll get around to whipping up some CSS to make this prettier (but you're not here for the looks anyway, right?)
- My presentation from YAPC::Israel::2004 (Writing Web Applications with Perl and ...) can be found here
- My presentation from YAPC::Israel::2004 (Writing Web Applications with Perl and ...) can be found here
- My presentation from the first Jerusalem.pm meeting (Creating a web crawler in 3 steps) can be found here
- My presentation from the July, 2004 Jerusalem.pm meeting (The Perl Debugger Primer) can be found here. Unfortunately, much of this presentation
was demonstrating some of the debuggers "live", which unfortunately, one cannot reproduce here.
- Here's the sample application & sourcecode of my mini-lecture on Dynamic Images and HTML Imagemaps.
- My presentations from YAPC::Israel::2005 - Nothing new here, but here are easy links for those who want/need
- Presentations for OSDC::Israel 2006
- Presentation for ApacheCon US 2007. There were no slides, but you can look at the source code for mod_domain (AKA mod_dns) at it's home @ the ASF.
- My presentation from ApacheCon US 2011 (:: About IPv6) can be found at lanyrd - there should also be an audio recording floating around - if someone points me to it, I'll happily link it
Here are some articles, howtos and other random bits of information that I've written
Other opensource projects that I work on
- DBIx::Objects [was DB::Objects] (SourceForge CPAN)
- Apache::UploadMeter (SourceForge CPAN Demo Site)
- FormFeeder (SourceForge)
- Apache::GD::Thumbnail (CPAN)
- Business::PayPal::EWP (CPAN)
- Mirimar::Authenticate::AuthTokens (mirimar)
- Autorun for X-Chat (mirimar) - A lot of people apparantly liked this teeny script. Unfortunately, my old free hosting provider, Virtual Avenue (www.virtualave.net) decided not to be free anymore and didn't bother mentioning it to me. So it disappeared for a few years... Until someone told me about the marvelous Wayback Machine at www.archive.org - thanks, to them (they rock!) the script is back in the public domain where it belongs!
Help support me and my development
I'll be honest. I'd really like to get to more conferences, expand my horizons, or just be able
to kick back and spend more time developing opensource just for the sake of developing opensource.
If you'd like to help, this is the way to do it!
PS: I know the above PayPal link doesn't use the above EWP module. The reasons
for that are:
- It was written before EWP was available, and uses a different method of slight-of-hand to make it
harder than clicking view-source to check (no that's not a challenge - it's not that hard :-) )
- EWP is only available for Premier/Business accounts. That means that I'd have to give PayPal
$0.30 plus 3% of your donations if I want to be a showoff. Why bother?
Broken Links? Comments? Email to webmaster at beamartyr dt net.
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